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栗色环柄菇Lepiota castanea

Quél. 1881


  • 通用中文名Chinese name:栗色环柄菇
  • 别称&俗称Othernames:褐绒环柄菇
  • 拉丁学名Scientific name:Lepiota castanea Quél. 1881
  • 科Family:蘑菇科Agaricaceae
  • 属Genus:环柄菇属Lepiota
  • 分布Distribution:分布广泛,东北、华中、华南地区等,黑龙江(图力古尔等 2019)、吉林、云南(《中国真菌志》),记载也在青海、宁夏(《中国经济真菌》、《中国大型真菌》)和香港、福建(《中国大型真菌原色图鉴》)等地分布
  • 有分布的省区Provinces:黑龙江省,吉林省,云南省,青海省,宁夏回族自治区,香港特别行政区,福建省,湖南省,广东省
  • 生态Ecology:夏秋季少量群生或散生生于针叶林中地上,也有记载在阔叶林林缘草地边。
  • 营养类型Nutrition Mode:腐生Saprotrophic
  • 置信指标Confidence:★★★


简介:本种隶属于距孢环柄菇组sect. Stenosporae,主要特征是担子果很小,较为瘦长(菌盖0.7-3(-4)cm×菌柄2.5-6cm);菌盖米色至浅黄色,被红褐色鳞片;菌柄细长,中下部被黄褐色至红褐色细鳞;菌环很不明显或几乎无菌环;担孢子具明显囊状的距;盖表鳞片末端细胞近圆柱形或窄棒状,顶部钝圆,极少向顶部渐窄。




较大的形态学变化也导致此物种成为一个复合群。Migliozii & Zecchin 1997基于颜色、菌盖表皮的形态和担孢子大小,将此复合群识别为如下独立物种:L. castaneaL. ignipes Locq. ex Bon和L. ignicolor Bres.。L. ignipes的担子果瘦长,菌柄很白,菌盖上白色部分更多;L. ignicolor的担子果小,孢子偏卵圆形;L. castanea的孢子较小。2000年,他们又用L. rufidula Bres.代替L. ignipes,其特征是孢子较长。(Vellinga 2001,P. Sysouphanthong et al. 2011)
Vellinga认为这三者之间的特征是连续的,因此将它们都处理为广义的栗色环柄菇,这是目前的主流做法。不过,系统发育学研究上,L. ignicolor似乎和其他物种存在一定距离。可能是因为这个原因,《中国真菌志》上,将L. ignicolor作为单独的物种,命名火色环柄菇,并记载它有别于栗色环柄菇的特征是向顶部渐变窄的盖表鳞片末端细胞。


L. cingulum是一个近缘的相似物种,它的区别是颜色更偏粉褐色而非橙褐色(Vellinga 2001,P. Sysouphanthong et al. 2011),菌盖表面鳞片末端细胞向顶部渐窄(《中国真菌志》,P. Sysouphanthong et al. 2011),末端细胞基部很少有隔膜,褶缘囊状体通常窄棒状(而本物种的褶缘囊状体形态更多样)。
本种容易和黄褐环柄菇L. boudieri混淆,但其末端细胞无明显分化,无基部棒状短细胞,菌盖鳞片通常较密集,颜色更偏黄褐色或深红褐色,而栗色环柄菇更偏褐色调。
L. alopochroa是分布在泰国的一个种,也属于栗色环柄菇复合群,它的孢子较小(平均 8.5 × 3.9 µm),且菌盖鳞片末端细胞更短。


  1. Lepiota cingulum spec. nov. a new species in section stenosporae, 1994. P.H. Kelderman. Persoonia 15(4): 537-540    
  2. Flora Agaricina Neerlandica: Critical Monographs on Families of Agarics and Boleti Occurring in the Netherlands. Volume 5 (Agaricaceae), 2001. M.E. Noordeloos, Th.W. Kuyper, E.C. Vellinga. A.A. Balkema    
  3. 中国真菌志 第52卷 环柄菇卷(蘑菇科), 2019. 杨祝良主编. 北京:科学出版社    
  4. Lepiota (Agaricales) in northern Thailand – 1.L. section Stenosporae, 2011. P. Sysouphanthong, K.D. Hyde, E. Chukeatirote, A.H. Bahkali & E.C. Vellinga. Mycotaxon 117: 53-85    https://doi.org/10.5248/117.53
  5. Phylogeny of Lepiota (Agaricaceae) — Evidence from nrITS and nrLSU sequences, 2003. Else C. Vellinga. Mycological Progress 2(4): 305–322    

食毒性 - 不可食用Not Edible ,由于各种原因不建议食用本蘑菇

栗色环柄菇传统上记载剧毒,含有鹅膏毒肽,误食能危及生命(《中国真菌志》、《中国经济真菌》、《中国大型真菌》、《毒蘑菇识别与中毒防治》、Vellinga 2001、Işiloğlu & Watling 1991等)。关于此说法,最早能追溯到的参考文献是“Gérault & Girre in C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris, Sér. D, 280: 2842.1966”,此文献是Vellinga 2001所引证的文献,惜难以获取原文阅读。
基于最新的研究(Sepas Sarawi et al. 2022和我国研究团队未发表的成果),本物种是不含鹅膏毒肽的,此前可能是错误记录。不过,在研究结果明晰前,绝对不建议食用本物种。


  1. 中国真菌志 第52卷 环柄菇卷(蘑菇科), 2019. 杨祝良主编. 北京:科学出版社    
  2. 中国经济真菌, 1998. 卯晓岚. 北京:科学出版社    
  3. 中国大型真菌, 2000. 卯晓岚主编. 郑州:河南科学技术出版社    
  4. 毒蘑菇识别与中毒防治, 2016. 陈作红、杨祝良、图力古尔、李泰辉编著. 北京:科学出版社    
  5. Flora Agaricina Neerlandica: Critical Monographs on Families of Agarics and Boleti Occurring in the Netherlands. Volume 5 (Agaricaceae), 2001. M.E. Noordeloos, Th.W. Kuyper, E.C. Vellinga. A.A. Balkema    
  6. Poisonings by Lepiota helveola Bres. in southern turkey, 1991. Mustafa Işiloğlu & Roy Watling. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 48(1): 91-100    https://doi.org/10.1017/S0960428600003668
  7. 中国毒蘑菇名录, 2014. 图力古尔,包海鹰,李玉. 菌物学报33(3):517-548    
  8. Occurrence and chemotaxonomical analysis of amatoxins in Lepiota spp. (Agaricales), 2022. Sepas Sarawi, Yan-Ni Shi, Hermine Lotz-Winter, Kai Reschke, Helge B. Bode, Meike Piepenbring. Phytochemistry 195 113069    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.113069


  1. 中国真菌志 第52卷 环柄菇卷(蘑菇科), 2019. 杨祝良主编. 北京:科学出版社    
  2. 毒蘑菇识别与中毒防治, 2016. 陈作红、杨祝良、图力古尔、李泰辉编著. 北京:科学出版社    
  3. 中国环柄菇属的分类学及该属的分子系统学研究——兼论冠状环柄菇的群体遗传学, 2007. 梁俊峰.    
  4. 中国大型菌物资源图鉴, 2015. 李玉,李泰辉,杨祝良,图力古尔 等. 郑州:中原农民出版社    
  5. 中国毒蘑菇名录, 2014. 图力古尔,包海鹰,李玉. 菌物学报33(3):517-548    
  6. 中国经济真菌, 1998. 卯晓岚. 北京:科学出版社    
  7. 大小兴安岭地区伞菌和牛肝菌类区系【附录1】大小兴安岭地区伞菌和牛肝菌类物种名录, . .    
  8. 中国大型真菌, 2000. 卯晓岚主编. 郑州:河南科学技术出版社    
  9. 中国大型真菌原色图鉴, 1998. 黄年来主编. 浙江:中国农业出版社    
  10. 湖南省大型真菌红色名录, 2022. 湖南省林业局.    
  11. 车八岭国家级自然保护区大型真菌多样性研究, 2011. 李跃进. 吉林农业大学 硕士学位论文    
  12. 浙江大学校园大型真菌图谱, 2019. 朱旭芬,林文飞,霍颖异. 杭州:浙江大学出版社    



描述1 描述来源:中国大型菌物资源图鉴
1259 栗色环柄菇 Lepiota castanea Quel.

描述2 描述来源:Flora Agaricina Neerlandica: Critical Monographs on Families of Agarics and Boleti Occurring in the Netherlands. Volume 5 (Agaricaceae)
19, Lepiota castanea Quel. in C.r. Ass. franc.Av, Sci.(Reims,1880)9: 661.1881 (Champ. Jura Vosges Suppl. 10).- Fig. 95.
Lepiota ignicolor Bres.. Fungi trident. 2: 3. 1892;
Lepiota ignipes Locq. in Bull. mens. Soc. linn.Lyon 14: 59. 1945 (not valid);
Lepiota ignipes Locq.ex M. Bon in Doc. mycol. 8 (30-31): 70.1978.
ExCL.- Lepiota castanea sensu Pilt in Acta Mus. natn. Prag. 11B(2): 3-5.1955(= probably L. boudieri).
MISAPPL.- Lepiota fulvella sensu Alessio in Micol. ital. 21 (3): 1620.1992.
SEL.ICON.- M.Bon in Fung. rar, Ic. col. 1l: pl.84, fg.2.1979 (asL. ignicolor); Breitenb.& Kranzl, Pilze Schweiz 4: pl.219,228.1995(as L. castanea and L. ignicolor resp.); Candusso & Lanzoni, Lepiota:pl. 18. 1990; Kiner in Bull. trimmest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 53: Atlas pl. 742. 1937; Lanzoni & Candusso in Boll. Gruppo micol. G. Bres.26: 101.1983; R. Phillips, Paddest. Schimm.: 29. 1981; Rald et al. in Svampe26: 39. 1992; D. Reid in Fung. rar. Ic. col. 6: pl. 43b. 1972.
SEL. DESCR.& FIGS.- Enderle & Krieglst.in Z. Mykol. 55: 53-55.and 73-75 (as L. ignicolor). 1989: Horak in Boll. Gruppo micol. GBres.26: 90-92.1983 (as L ignicolor); Kelderman, Parasolzw. Zuid.Limburg: 78-79,88-89, and 90-91.1994 (resp.as L. castanea, L. igni-color, and L. ignipes); Mal. & Bert, Fl. Champ. sup. Maroc 1: 1301970 (as L. ignipes); Migl. & Clericuzio in Micol. Veget. medit. 4: 36.38.1989 (as L. ignicolor); D. Reid in Fung. rar. Ic.col. 6: 11-14. 1972VERN.NAME - Kastanjeparasolzwam,incl.Vuurparasolzwam.
Pileus 6-40 mm, campanulate or paraboloid when young, expandingto plano-convex, often with (broad) umbo, when young equally darkred-brown, red-brown, orange-brown (e.g.Mu.5 YR 2.5/2,5-75 YR3/4, S YR 4/6,C.5 YR 5-6/8 at centre and when young, later andtowards margin 5 YR 4/6, 7.5 YR 4-5/6) and velvety-tomentose withuplifted squamules, with age breaking up in smaller patches or squa-mules, often in concentrical zones and towards margin more radiallyfibrillose, pallescent towards margin, on predominantly white or palebackground (7.5 YR 7/8-8/6, 5 YR 7/8), or not or hardly showing theunderlying context at all, with age often orange discolouring, sometimes with some white velar remnants at margin, and margin exceeding lamellae, especially when young. Lamellae, L = 25-40, I = 1-5.moderately distant to moderately crowded, free, ventricose, up to 6 mmwide, white at first, later cream, often with orange sheen (e.g. 10 YR8/5) and with age orange-spotted, with white fine-flocculose edge.Stipe 22-65 x 1-6 mm, cylindrical, subbulbous at base, often curvedin basal part, narrowly fistulose, at apex (1/4 to 1/3 of length) cream orpale pinkish cream-coloured and lengthwise adnate-fibrillose, without.rarely with, annulus, below this zone with fibrillose to squamulose cov-ering, concolorous with squamules on pileus on shiningly white toslightly paler or yellowish-reddish, pinkish orange, pale red-brown ororange-brown (5 YR 5/6,6-5/8) background, often staining orangewhen touched, sometimes orange-brown strigose at base, often withwhite mycelial cords at base. Annulus rarelpresent small and wool.ly. Context whitish cream in pileus and in stipe apex, lower down instipe concolorous with surface and often becoming vivid orange withage. Smell fruity, like the sweet component of the L. cristata smell.Taste mild, fungoid. Spore print white.
Spores in side-view 7.0-14.0(-15.5) X 3.0-5.5 m,Q =(1.85-)2.03.0(-3.3), Qav = 2.15-2.9, more or less cylindrical, with especially inthe longer spores a distinct sac-like spur, which protrudes from abaxi-al side, rarely with suprahilar depression, with patent hilar appendagein frontal view,(sub)cylindrical, thick-walled, uniguttulate or not,strongly_dextrinoid, congophilous, not metachromatic in Cresyl BlueBasidia 19-32 X 6-10 um,4-spored,rarely intermixed 2-sporedLamella edge sterile. Cheilocystidia 19-41 X 5-10 pm, fusiform, nar-rowly utriform, narrowly clavate, or cylindrical with subcylindricalapex, colourless, rarely thick-walled. Pleurocystidia absent. Pileus cov-ering made up of erect cylindrical elements, 55-330 X 7-22 um, with-out or with up to 3 septa, with parietal brown pigment and additionallysome pigment soluble in ammonia, with a layer of adnate, cylindricalflexuous hyphae,2.0-5.0 um wide, with narrowly clavate to subcapi-tate, terminal elements and brown thickened walls. Stipitipellis a cutismade up of colourless, cylindrical elements, 2.0-4.0 pm wide; elementsin squamules shorter, more irregular, more flexuous and more oftennon-septate than those on pileus; underlayer of irregular, flexuouscylindrical hyphae present. Clamp-connections present in all tissuesicandteresARitrial in deciduous, mixed or coniferous woods, in mossy dune scrub.also on mine waste heaps, on sandy to clayey soils, often rich inhumus. In the Netherlands rather common throughout the country, butless common in districts characterized by nutrient-poor sand; Aug.-midNov. Widespread in Europe and temperate parts of Asia, also in NorthAmerica.
Lepiota castanea in the present sense is a variable species, both inmacroscopical characters and in microscopical characters like spore sizeand pileus covering. Some specimens show a more intense orange dis-coloration when touched or with age than others. The aspect of thepileus, completely brown or showing white context, differs greatly, anddepends on the development of the felted underlayer: if this layer is welldeveloped the pileus surface is totally covered; in specimens with a poorly developed underlayer the underlying context shows more clearlyVariants occurring in the dune area are strikingly slender and have a bril.liant-white stipe; they also show more white on the pileus than the moresturdy inland types. This dune variant is probably Bon's L. ignipes.The spore sizes differ greatly between collections, from 7.0-9.0 umin one to l2-14 um in others. But the range of the spore sizes is a con.tinuum, without separable units. The small-spored collections tend tohave less-septate elemenis in the pileus covering. The number of septain these pileus elements differs. not only between collections, but alsoduring the growth of the pileus (the number increases with growth) andthe number of septa is greater at the pileus centre than at the margin ofthe pileus. The pigment is situated inside the walls of these elementsand in the walls of the underlying elements, but in addition to this pari-etal pigment there is often some pigment that is soluble in ammoniaHorak (in Boll. Gruppo micol. G. Bres.26: 90-92.1983) characterized L. ignicolor by its small spores, non-septate elements and vacuolar pigment. Unfortunately this combination is notasstraightforward as it seems. Specimens with small spores and up to 2septa in their pileus elements do occur, and so do basidiocarps with bigspores, and soluble pigment or with spores over 10 um long with nonseptate elements in the pileus covering.Migliozzi & Zecchin (in Micol. ital. 26 (2): 11-22.1997) distin.guished three species in this complex: L. castanea Qul. sensu stricto.L. castanea sensu auct., and L ignicolor Bres., differing in colour.structure of the pileus covering and spore size. In view of the transitions in spore size, the variability in the number of septa and the lengthof the pileus covering elements, their ideas are not followed here, andL. castanea is given in a broad sense.
Lepiota cingulum is closely related to L. castanea and is often confused with the latter in the field: for differences see under L. cingulum.Lepiota andegavensis Mornand (in Doc. mycol. 12 (48): 43.(“1982') 1983) comes very close, but that species is characterized byvery dark colours on the pileus. Judging from Bon's description (Flmycol. Eur. 3,LEpiotes: 54. 1993) the pileus covering resembles thatof L boudieri, but that is not the case; the elements are septate and bearonly a basal clamp-connection.
Lepiota castanea contains a lower amount of amanitins than thespecies in Lepiota sect. Ovisporae subsect. Helveolinae (GErault &Girre in C.r. hebd.Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris,SEr. D,280: 2842.1966).

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物种:黄褐环柄菇Lepiota boudieri

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蔡佳铭.2023. 栗色环柄菇Lepiota castanea. 菌物志Mycopedia. http://www.mycopedia.top/result.php?details=Lepiota castanea
Jia-Ming Cai.2023. Lepiota castanea [Chinese]. Mycopedia. http://www.mycopedia.top/result.php?details=Lepiota castanea